A true story of self-discovery

The Awakening Time Personal passions and upheavals are poignantly characteristic of what so many people go through, especially in mid-life. In The Awakening Time, the author tells of an inner knowledge that she and the new man in her life have been brought together for a very special purpose, prompting matrimony and mid-life career changes to become hypnotherapists. It's as if a higher power is sweeping them upwards into a whirlwind of learning experiences that put their lives into a 180-degree spin.

A visit to a psychic fair and the purchase of a dreamcatcher begins a rapid period of spiritual unfolding for them both, and a visit to a rock and gem shop thrusts them headlong into the incredible world of rocks and crystals, automatic writing and channeling, awakening psychic abilities and giving them inspiration to teach others how to reach beyond their present realities. And a small quartz crystal 'tells' of an ancient promise, a vow to meet, in this, 'The Awakening Time.'

What follow are good descriptions of conversations with spiritual guides that contain a wealth of information almost too incredible to grasp. The questions and answers are very clear and informative, and provide a 'roadmap' for the many who are seeking these truths.

Whether it's unseen influences or positive visualization, reincarnation or dreamwork, breathing or meditation, the tips and suggestions are key for those who are 'journeying,' and contain valuable information for both the beginner and the experienced 'seeker.'

The Awakening Time is written with great sincerity and is a narrative of an extraordinary, inextricably interwoven, personal, teaching and working partnership that experiences awakenings in many realms.

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Preface | Introduction | The Owl with the Spotted Glare
Table of Contents | Meditation | The Chakras | Postscript

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